Top Star Says Potential Move To WWE Is ‘On The Table’

Top Star Says Potential Move To WWE Is ‘On The Table’ WWE

A top star says a potential move to WWE is “on the table.”

Will Ospreay is the current IWGP United Kingdom Heavyweight Champion and is widely regarded as one of the best wrestlers in the world.

2023 has been a crucial year for “The Aerial Assassin” as he has made it no secret that his NJPW contract will expire in February 2024.

Ospreay has stated that while he’s confident he and NJPW will get a deal done, he is also open to explore all of his options.

Speaking with Alistair McGeorge of Metro, Ospreay made it clear that he is open to the idea of joining WWE. He said:

“I mean, we have spoke about it more. I’m now open to the idea of stretching myself out that little bit more.”

“As age has become more apparent to me and my body is hurting more and more, I’m open to all avenues. I’ve had a lot of talks with my friends about this, and I have spoke to the missus.”

“Although we’ve spent so much money on our new kitchen, we are open to the idea of relocating to the United States.”

“It’s on the table, that’s all I can really say. That means I am open to all options going forward.” 

On the importance of taking care of his family with his upcoming decision with free agency, Ospreay said:

“So everything is motivated towards not only my family, but I want to feel like a wrestler.”

“I feel like a lot of people give up on that side, they just want the money. I understand that, I really do, but if I sacrifice who I am then I don’t think anything I do is authentic,”

Ospreay continued on to describe how his family supports him no matter what he decides to do, saying:

“Family is the most important for me, but I love the fact that I’ve got my missus approval and support. This decision isn’t just about myself, it’s about all three of us together.”

“The fact that’s she’s saying, ‘We’ll stand by you’, that means the world to me. The center of the universe can be anywhere you want it to be, and as long as they’re with me then I’m cool with that,”

Will Ospreay defeated Speedball Mike Bailey at IMPACT Bound For Glory 2023.

Ospreay referenced a top WWE star during the bout with Bailey, which you can read at this link.

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