AEW Star Wants To ‘Create Mayhem’ With Ruby Soho

AEW Star Wants To ‘Create Mayhem’ With Ruby Soho AEW

AEW star and former WWE NXT star Taya Valkyrie wants to “create mayhem” with Ruby Soho as an opponent in a hardcore-style match.

Since arriving in All Elite Wrestling back in 2023, Taya Valkyrie has faced a litany of top stars of the women’s division from Dr. Britt Baker D.M.D. to Kris Statlander.

During her time on the independent scene and in Mexico, Valkyrie became known for her hardcore-style matches using staple guns, staples and tables. El Hijo del Perro Aguayo took notice of Taya and gave her the nickname of “Wera Loca” because she was a crazy blonde.

Speaking on the Lightweights podcast, Taya Valkyrie was asked if there was a dream match scenario for her in AEW. She answered:

“I’m really excited to kind of push those limits. I’ve had these No DQ (matches) in other companies, but I really want to bring that Wera Loca crazy style to AEW.”

“I hope that I get that opportunity to show the world, show the people, why I am the crazy blonde, why Perro Aguayo was literally like, ‘Oh my God, this crazy blonde chick.’”

“I earned that nickname ten years ago. I want to bring that to AEW.”

“I don’t know what that would be, the stipulations of it, but something, No DQ, with some badass women, we have so many in our locker room. I know it would deliver,” 

When asked who she would like to face, Taya replied:

“I would definitely go after Ruby Soho. I feel like me and her could create some absolute mayhem.”

“I would love to have another rematch with Deonna [Deonna Purrazzo]. Saraya, I’ve never wrestled her. Kris Statlander, I’ve wrestled her once now, and she is so strong and so powerful.”

“There are so many of us, and we all love this so much. When given the opportunity, I know we can absolutely thrive. Let’s get messy.”

Taya Valkyrie will compete in the ROH Women’s TV Title Tournament, which starts on this Thursday’s February 15 episode.

Transcription via Fightful

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